Side Splits
● Strengthen hip adductors.
● Improves balance and posture.
● Increases hip flexibility.
● Builds core strength and improves core activation.
● Develops awareness of functional range of motion.
● Standing on reformer facing side, one foot on front reformer frame, other foot against shoulder rest, feet directly across from each other. Arms straight out to side, shoulder height, spine straight.
● Keeping weight balanced on both feet, press carriage out engaging inner thighs, keeping tailbone long. Pull carriage back in to start position.
● Exhale press out – Inhale pull in.
4-5 times each side
1-2 springs
● Navel to spine.
● Spine straight, chest lifted, pelvis lengthened toward the floor, eyes forward.
● Push out with control.
● Engage inner thighs to bring carriage in.